What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock at the bottom of the sea, you’ve probably seen the number of wireless gadgets explode over the last few decades. We’ve been told our beloved tech is perfectly safe – and that non-ionizing radiation can’t hurt us in “small doses.”

But the declining health among a growing minority of us is beginning to indicate otherwise. Is it possible tech companies have been reckless with technology, that wireless radiation may be more harmful than we realized – or are these perceived reactions all in the victims’ heads?

This is only but a brief bird’s eye view of the some of the collateral damage caused by our widespread carelessness.

EHS is a novel and complicated condition, and I hope to flesh out some of these topics in upcoming posts; but for now, learn more about this quietly burgeoning condition and why it is imperative we are no longer ignored by the medical community (and society) before we run out of safe places to live, work, and simply exist.

Wireless radiation is the pollution of the 21st century, and mark my words: we are only beginning to witness the first signs of a burgeoning epidemic. Let’s not ignore this until it’s too late.

Want to learn more about protecting yourself and your family? Check out my posts here.