More EMF Resources

Here you’ll find a list containing some of the most prolific organizations that are spreading awareness, some tools to help you take action and protect yourself, as well as some studies on EHS you can forward to your doctor if you suspect you’ve been affected.

Credible Advocacy Organizations

Environmental Health Trust

Backed by passionate, remarkable people, this is the organization that recently won a lawsuit against the FCC for failing to update their >25-year old regulations on wireless radiation. Not only is this site loaded with information, it’s a reliable place to visit for the latest politics.

Physicians for Safe Technology

Studies, studies, and more studies! I love this site because it meticulously classifies the harm caused by EMFs according to body system.

Scientists for Wired Tech

Another great source for both research in addition to helping you get involved in activism nationally and in your local area.

Americans for Responsible Technology

These guys will help you get involved and provide everything you need to start keeping your town safe.

BioInitiative Report

This organization has compiled loads of research, including radiation thresholds in their “color chart” (which I’ve included below) and other valuable reports.

International Appeal to Stop 5G

If you’re against the mass deployment of 5G small cells (which I imagine is why you’re here), head on over and sign the appeal. It’s already collected thousands of names of doctors, scientists, and those of other related professions who demand 5G be subjected to further testing.

Statewide Groups

Wisconsin for Safe Tech
For other states, view the full list here.


EMF Tool Kit

Americans for Responsible Tech provides a “tool kit” filled with pre-drafted letters for your representatives, flyers, and other print-outs available for use, even letters to your kids’ schools. It’s seriously a trove of resources.


Plunk in your address and discover how close your home is to cell towers. Excellent tool if you’re looking to move or checking prospective school or work locations.


It’s a little less reliable than AntennaSearch, but displays some 5G towers. Great for ruling out potentially hazardous locations.

Conversion charts and EMF thresholds

BioInitiative’s “color chart” on EMF levels

If you’ve bought an EMF meter to test your home, this chart is an absolute necessity for learning how different levels of radiation affect your body. Also helpful for understanding studies, news articles, and just how saturated we are in these carcinogenic frequencies.

EMF unit conversion chart

EMF meters can measure fields in several different units, so whether you’re converting from your meter to the color chart or anything else you’ve come across, this chart is incredibly useful, especially if you’re just starting out. You can also download it right here.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) diagnostic materials & reports

Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It

Though there are many, this is the single best, most comprehensive study on EHS I have uncovered so far.

Women’s College Hospital Preliminary Clinical Practice Guidelines for EHS

This is a link to the Women’s College Hospital guidelines for diagnosing EHS. If you suspect you suffer from EHS, I strongly urge you to submit this to your doctor as it describes potential etiologies as well as some tests that can be run to identify possible biomarkers.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome)

A final word

While there are literally thousands of studies citing the harm of EMFs and countless other resources, these just happen to be part of my personal go-to repertoire. If there’s anything missing or any other studies you’d like to see, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to assist with additional materials.